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Book Baby/ Laptime Titles

This is for me to try and keep track of the books that work in our younger programs. Often I'll just grab something and put it back and then not remember it when looking for titles later on.

*Shows different personalities of babies


Maybe a tad long, but I like the simple imagery for large groups.

*Simple, sweet. Follow baby bear through day to bedtime.

*George isn't making the right noise, so his mom takes him to the vet who solves the problem.

*All the animals make noise at the barnyard...and look for goose throughout.

*Four little bears each have their own chair, but big brown bear comes and they make everyone fit.

*Little bunnies get ready for bed. Cute pics and almost no text... But sound effects!

*A girl finds a beautiful butterfly in her garden. Bright and nice pop-up surprise.

*Nice illustrations and interactive element.

*Simple text, sound effects, big pics.

*Nice simple story, bright pictures. Other books in the series are just as great!

clip clop

*Simple big pics, fun text, active.

*Cute, Bright, active. Dino Isn't sleepy, and is determined to win


*Fun animals, that keep becoming other animals! Great illustrations.

*Cute story about a little dog who finds it can be useful to be small.

*Too many pages for the young ones, so I just skip some! Interactive


*Lovely large pics and a fun grand ending.

*Cute, baby animals pass the attention to other animals ala 'brown bear what do you see'.

*Simple, cute.


*A little on the small side, but simple pics make it okay. Lovely fold-out surprises.

*The weather keeps changing as this girl prepares to go out, ends in snowfall.


Interactive potential with these big vibrant pictures.


*Lovely large and simple pictures.

i'm too busy

*Charlie cat is too busy playing to eat, until his tummy starts to rumble. Nice bright pics.


*Nice bright pics, and simple phrases.


*Playful, active, with great characters.

*Cute book, tracking muddy prints through the house until we find the culprit.

*Cute pics, animals and baby. Simple text

*Bright large images and simple action makes this a great fit.


This didn't really strike me as a book babies book, but it worked well! Nice big pictures.

*Friends learn to work together, even when things don't go they way planned. Small book.

*Great! Simple repetitive storyline. Bright pics


*Very simple text, recognizable animals.

*Nice, simple. Photographs

*Simple, cute. Loads of different animal mothers.

Simple, cute. Loads of different animal mothers.

*A girl and her monkey pretend to be different critters.


*Nice pics of siblings getting along.

*A few too many pages in my opinion, but great otherwise!

*Good with some abbreviation, though I don't think the kids get that the tiger is a bad guy.

*Bigger pages for Board Book, Duck goes out and finds lots of colored things on a rainy day


*Fun interactive potential, and lovely pics.

sams bath

The kids really liked this! I only dared attempt it with a small group, though, since the pictures are so small. =[


*Fun guessing element with huge fold out pages

*Duck keeps kissing dog, even though dog doesn't like it. Simple and bright.


*Fun interactive element, and sweet story.

*Different fasteners on clothes, short text, bright pics.

*Various animal daddies do thing for their babies, but only one daddy can do all of them.

*Bright action story features different parts of the body demonstrated by animals.

*Bear feels left out when a new friend joins the games, but they learn to all play together.

*The kids really like the crying aspect.


*Nice clear illustrations, simple rhyming story.

*Spot's Mother searches all over for him, finding lots of animals in this flap book.

Who Ate All the Cookie Dough?

*nice repetitive formula with a fun ending

*Just a bit on the small side, but the kids still liked it. Interactive.

*Simple format, adorable pictures, and interactive potential.

*Interactive, kids guess who's nose and toes are peeking around the page. Cute!

*Wide mouth frog asks different animals what they eat, and doesn’t like alligators answer.
