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our neighborhood


our neighborhood

Scott Bahlmann

Dear M,

Since I really decided to make this move, some five month ago, things have progressed pretty quickly.  Since our visit last month, my fella’ and I have been looking at apartments in different neighborhoods just for the fun of it. Turns out it was good to keep an eye out, because he got a job offer, and we quickly contacted our top choices, locking in our number one the same week as his offer. So, we’ll be moving to Fremont!

One of the big appeals of moving to Seattle is the walkability, and all of our preferences were close to the bus line that goes by my fella’s new employment. The place we got doesn't even need the bus line, being only two blocks from his work. On either end of the banner image you can see our new place, and the building where he’ll be spending his working hours.

Locking down an apartment was pretty quick and easy, things aren’t moving quite so quickly for me though. I’m expecting to stay in Salt Lake until the spring when it will be a better market for selling my house. I’m not terribly keen on staying over the winter, both because of the snow and the inversion, but I suppose I can last one more round. This will give me time to get the house as ship shape as I can, and I expect to really start my job search in January (Who wants to hire during the holidays anyway, eh?).

The position at the Children’s Theatre didn’t pan out for me, though they are keeping my resume on file. I figure it’s best that I have some more time to square things away here. Having my fella’ already established will make it much easier to transition once the house is ready to go on the market. I could maybe even take off as soon as it’s listed, which might make it better for viewings and such. I also find it easier to job hunt in person, but I haven’t done it for quite a few years, so maybe people are more used to doing phone/web interviews now. That’s all stuff that will be worked out as it comes, I’m sure.

It’ll be a bit tough having four months away from my fella’ but we were initially thinking it could be a longer separation than that, and there are bound to be visits. I’m excited to be able to see the city some more before I also make the leap. And I’m sure we’ll have plenty of skype interviews, so I’ll be all practiced up if a potential employer wants to do one. -.o

It feels a bit egotistical, but there's another difficult thing about my fella' heading out so much earlier than I am. When I decided to make this transition to Seattle, he wasn't sure he would be coming. I'm absolutely thrilled that he is!, but initially it was my adventure, and it's a bit like the adventure is starting without me.  He'll be living in the neighborhood for quite a while before I join him, I'm sure discovering little character quirks, and nice places to eat and such, things that I want to be able to discover, rather than be introduced to. It's isn't really such a big deal, especially with some realizations I've had. I certainly don't want my fella' to cloister himself away until I join him. I hope he finds things that he'll be excited to share with me. 

A pacifying thought is that he and I have rather different ways of exploring, we notice different things, so even if I'm walking down a street he's been down five dozen times, it'll still be new for me, and I might be able to create an experience he hadn't yet had. Hopefully, I can create new experiences, even just for me, every time I walk out the door, anywhere I live! The second, and more pacifying realization is my ability to visit him just about a week after he leaves. We'll have some time to see the neighborhood together, and spend time in the new apartment before the long separation. I'm excited to share what we discover with you! 
