...get set...
Scott Bahlmann
Dear M,
I’ve got my move date set!
Even without a job lined up, or the house sold, it’s time to get things in motion. I have enough for a few of months of mortgage payment, and I figure that’s time enough to get a job, or sell the house. We’ve had some showings, and an offer that we countered. I figure it’ll be easier for me to get out of the way and let my realtor do her thing rather than hang about and want to accept any lowball offer that comes along. Having been more than a month from my fella’, and nearly six months since I’ve made this decision, it’s time for me to get on with it.
In the job hunt area, I have about a dozen applications out. It’s been a bit of a call to reality, with the two companies that I was really eager to get a position with dismissing me out of hand. I feel like I was quite qualified for both, an unable to represent myself properly without getting an interview. I’ve already beefed up my resume with the top recommended key words from the newest websites, so I’m not sure how to work around that. I suppose I’ll keep playing the game and trust that things will fall out as they are meant to. I do have a preliminary informational session with a company, the first step in the hiring process, so things are working somewhere!
Another big motivation for going earlier to so that my position at the library can be filled before my storytime co-conspirator takes maternity leave. It would be nice to have the new person established a bit with her as a bridge between the old and new for our young patrons. The new person would also have more time to get settled before the added craziness that comes with Summer Reading. If I were to wait until March (which was my initial plan) they would likely be starting just as the maternity leave was beginning with only a month before Summer Reading.
And I’ve been helping furnish the apartment from a distance! My fella’ and I have been Skyping as we pin furniture to a shared board, and talking about what we like and don’t, what goes together, and we’ve pretty well decided on everything for the new space. We’ve even got some purchased and on the way, so it shouldn’t be long before I get to take some nice ‘after’ pictures of the apartment for you!