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get ready...


get ready...

Scott Bahlmann

Dear M,

My Realtor came to take a look at the house this last weekend. With a projected spring sell, I thought she could point out some projects that would help with the resale. She was so fantastic while I was buying that I have complete confidence in her judgment, and was almost ecstatic when she said it’s was a good market to list right away! She told me that we could probably have the place closed before I was even ready for it, but I don’t think she fully understood how keen I am to make the move to Seattle, and be reunited with my fella’.

So, the same day that she visited I finished the room she thought should be repainted, and starting getting rid of furniture she didn't want for staging. My biggest concern in this process is clearing out all the furniture that I won’t be taking, which is pretty well everything other than my mattress. I think it would be nice to get cash for some of it, but don't know if the relatively small amount is worth the hassle, and I'm rather keen to clear the space as fast as I so there's as little work as possible once it actually sells. 

I even thought about taking off as soon as the house was listed, but both my fella’ and Realtor said it would be best to wait until closing. (and my Realtor thought we might be sold before I was ready for it!) I’ve finished the big task of sorting through stuff to keep, stuff to trash, and stuff to thrift shop. Now it’s a question of getting them dispersed! I’ll keep a fair bit of the furniture for staging, and I’ve already dropped off some stuff at the thrift shop. Without a car, and with my job pretty well overlapping the store hours it gets a bit tricky.

I did have a bit of an adventure moving my big storage unit. I’d assembled it in the room with the low doorway, and could not get out no matter how I slid, lifted, tipped or wheeled. I ended up cutting off the upper cabinet, and then it had ample room to maneuver. That was a relief, I tell you what. I almost like the unit better now (watch out fella’, it might be coming to the new apartment after all!)

I’ll likely have my Realtor over this weekend to take shots, and then it’ll be listed! It is a sudden jump in the timeline that I’d anticipated, which is just a bit nerve wracking, but far more exciting. I do think it would be easier to job hunt if I’m in Seattle, being available to make interviews and such. And without the mortgage payment we should be able to manage for a while on just my fella’s salary, rather like we did on mine in the few months before he moved for his new job. I’m expecting to have a bit from the sale of the house, but don’t really want to count on that, and I’d love to use that to finish of my remaining student loan.

So, things are certainly progressing, and I’m very excited to see what comes next!
