"Now stop!"
Scott Bahlmann
Dear M,
It has been five years since I started at the Salt Lake City Public Library, and three years since I won the fantastic role of full time Children's Librarian, earning such nick names as "Storytime Ninja Master" and "Tall Silly Daddy". After approximately 140 Storytimes, 215 Book Babies, 9 6'x8' window creations and a myriad of other programs and displays, I'm entering my last week of work at the library.
The Rumpus has been so much fun, fulfilling my love of books, art and performance, but the time has come to heed the words of Max after three spreads of marching, swinging from trees, and howling at the moon with Wild Things.
"Now stop!"
Even this close to the date, it feels more like I'm pretending to move than actually moving. As though I'm playing a game where I think 'If I could live anywhere in the country, where would it be?' and then choose my ideal city. Next thinking 'What would I have to do so I could move there?' then contacting my Realtor, and giving notice at my work. Finally 'How would I get ready for the move?' and getting an apartment lined up, packing boxes, and selling off furniture. I'm wondering when the reality of it is going to kick in.
I've said my goodbyes to the wonderful Children's team at the library, made reservations for a farewell dinner with my co-workers, the storytime patrons have been told, thank you's and good lucks exchanged. The posting to fill my position has ended, and from the resumes the candidates for interviews will be selected this week.
I suppose writing this is an attempt to take it all in, process the change that I began orchestrating six months ago, and first dreamed of 5 years ago. I'm beginning to feel it. I did get a bit shakey as the children's team left our meeting room this last week, that was the first real moment. I suspect the dinner with my co-workers will be another, coming just after my final shift. Fortunately, I haven't left myself much time to suffer, as I'll be hopping in my pre-packed truck early the next morning to make the trek to Seattle, finally.
There will be a bit of down time once I'm there, I'm sure, but I'll have a whole new city to keep me occupied, and the company of my fella'. In addition, things are starting to move in regards to the job hunt. I've heard back from a couple of places, and have a phone interview scheduled for this week. I just hope I can make it through the drive without having all the decompression that I'm sure will hit me all at once.
For now, I'm just handling each moment, hoping I don't overlook any important last thing. Looking too far ahead I'm just not able to grasp it yet. Time to sail in and out of weeks back to my someone!