Letter C Storytime
Scott Bahlmann
Opening: Shake My Sillies Out – Raffi
Book: Cat Secrets – Jef Czekaj

(One of the kids wasn't sure we should be reading the book, because we Weren't cats! Good interactive story.)
Activity: Scat The Cat

(The kids are always excited about Scat! They are also very good at identifying the color he has changed to.)
Scat the cat was a black kitty when he was born, and he'd been black for as long as he could remember.
One day, he decided to see what it would be like to try a different color, so he said his magic words.
'I'm Scat the Cat, I'm sassy and fat,
and I can change colors, just like that!' *clap*
(Scat tried being different colors, and decides in the end that the color he was born is the best color for him.)

Book: Cow that laid an Egg – Andy Cutbill

(So fun! Marabel doesn't feel very special, but the chickens have a solution.)
Activity: I know A Chicken –
from the CD 'Whaddaya Think of That?' by Laurie Berkner
(We handed out shakey eggs, and shook along to the song. Good times!)
Book: Chickens to the Rescue! – John Himmelman

(Such a fun story, but probably better suited to individual reading because of the detail. Still, the kids enjoyed it!)
Activity: Alice the Camel

(I made this for my job interview, and finally got around to using it! One of the kids pointed out early on that camels only have one hump. I assured her that Alice is a special camel. It was a hit!)
Alice the Camel has 5 humps.
Alice the Camel has 5 humps.
Alice the Camel has 5 humps.
So go Alice go! Bum, bum, bum
(count down remaining humps. End with..)
...Alice the camel had No humps,
so Alice was a horse!

Book: The Duckling Gets a Cookie!? – Mo Willems

(Pigeon is jealous of Ducklings cookie, will he learn how to get one? Not my fav pigeon book, but still top notch!)
Activity: Cotton balls on Parachute
(Then the kids gathered around our parachute, and bounced cotton balls on it! ...we did the same thing last week, but no one minded the repetition) =P