Hugs and Kisses Storytime
Scott Bahlmann
Opening : Shake My Sillies Out – Raffi
Book: Waking Beauty - Leah Wilcox
(Just a bit wordy, but it still had a good response. I might see if I can clip some pages for next time. Very fun!)
Puppets: Stop Kissing Me –
from the book by Eric Long
(The kids love this!)
Puppy just won't stop kissing kitty! Finally kitty finds out why, and doesn't mind as much.
Book: Kitty’s Cuddles – Jane Cabrera
(Since kitty prefers hugs, this was a nice transition. Nice big illustrations, simple story.)
Activity: In the Valentine Forest
In the Valentine Forest there was a valentine house,
In the Valentine house, there was a valentine room,
In the Valentine room, there were some valentine drawers,
In the valentine drawers, there was a valentine box,
In the valentine box, there was...
...some candy!/a frog!/a kiss!/
(The kids really get into this, and the surprised different endings were fun! ...I did it once more at the end of the storytime with the Valentine stickers ending, and then gave each child a sticker. It was made by printing images onto paper, then putting them in sheet protectors which I tied together with ribbon. Easy flipping to reveal the next page.)
Book: Hugless Douglas – David Melling
(This was a nice story, but you do have to explain some of the action [a bush turning into a bunch of sheep, for example] but still jolly good!)
Activity: Mother, Mother, I Want Another –
from the book by Maria Robbins
(This had sort of lukewarm reception as a puppet story. I had fun with it though!)
Book: How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? - Jane Yolen
(It's always nice when I can add a book from this series to a program. They're super duper!)
Activity: Bubbles (little kisses)
(Then we played in the bubbles and got their little bubble kisses, and everyone got a valentine sticker!)