Opposties Storytime
Scott Bahlmann
Opening: Shake My Sillies Out – Raffi
Book: Quick, Slow, Mango! - Anik McGrory
(This was perhaps a bit long, but the pictures are so cute! Even having it first in the line up the kids got a bit restless.)
Fingerplay: Two Little Blackbirds - Traditional
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill
One named Jack and One named Jill
Fly away Jack
Fly away Jill
Come back Jack
Come back Jill
...sitting in the snow. One was fast and one was slow...
...sitting on a cloud. One was quiet and one was loud...
…on a lily pad. One was happy and the other was sad…
…were getting very old. One was hot and one was cold…
...sitting on a pole. One was high and one was low...
(I had a few more opposites, but this was about the right amount to avoid wearying the theme.)
Book: Dinosaur Roar – Paul Strickland
(A fun book, sort of mid grade to me.)
Activity: Grand OleDuke of York -
From the CD Baby's First Nursery Rhymes
Oh, the grand old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men,
He marched them up to the top of the hill
and he marched them down again.
And when they were up they were up.
And when they were down they were down.
And when they were only half way up,
They were neither up nor down. (repeat)
(We marched around the room standing on our toes, or crouching as the lyrics dictated. Nice wiggle song.)
Book: Big and Little – John Stadler
(This was really popular, fun surprise ending.)
Flannel Board: Never Too Little To Love -
from the book by Jeanne Willis
(see full version here)
(The little mouse wants to give the giraffe a kiss, but can't reach, even when he makes a big ...precarious... pile to stand on. Quite popular.)
Book: Opposnakes – Salina Yoon
(This was a big hit as well. Simple structure but lots of fun.)
Activity: Instruments
(Then, because the kids were so quiet for the stories...at least I pretended they were... we got to make lots of noise!)